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Rebinding for Optimal DB2 Access Paths. zJournal, December 2010 / January 2011.
To Rebind or Not to Rebind: Why Is That Even a Question?
IDUG Solutions Journal, Winter 2010.
SQL Performance Basics. Database Trends and Applications, December 2010.
Useful SQL Techniques. Database Trends and Applications, November 2010.
Consider Capping to Control Costs. zJournal, October / November 2010.
Defining Database Performance. Database Trends and Applications, October
The Database Report: 3Q2010. The Data Administration Newsletter, October
DB2 and Storage Management. IDUG Solutions Journal, Summer 2010
Managing Database Storage. Database Trends and Applications, September 2010.
More DBA Proverbs. zJournal, August / September 2010.
The High Cost of Enterprise Software. Database Trends & Applications, August
Database Fundamentals. Database Trends and Applications, July 2010.
The Database Report: 2Q2010. The Data Administration Newsletter, July 2010.
The 10 Database Commandments. zJournal, June / July 2010.
Are DBAs Obsolete? Database Trends and Applications, June 2010.
Analyzing Any Data, Anywhere, All the Time. Database Trends & Apps, May 2010.
Performance Data On the Cheap Using Display. IDUG Solutions Journal, Spring
What's All zTwittering About? zJournal, April / May 2010.
Data Security Is Not Just a Technology Problem. Database Trends & Apps, Apr
Assuring Data Integrity in DB2. Quest ToadWorld Pipelines, April 2010.
The Database Report: 1Q2010. The Data Administration Newsletter, April 2010.
A Quick Look at the Open Source DBMS Market. Database Trends & Apps, March
Database Adventures in Linux for System z Land. zJournal, February / March 2010.
The Evaporation of Privacy. Database Trends and Applications, February 2010.
You Can't Force Data Quality. The Data Quality Advisor, January 2010.
Information Overload? No Such Thing! Database Trends & Applications, January
The Database Report: 4Q2009. The Data Administration Newsletter, January 2010.
11 Rules of the Road for DBAs. zJournal, December 2009 / January 2010.
A Data-Tinged Look Back at 2009. Database Trends & Applications, Dec 2009.
Collecting Histogram Statistics With RUNSTATS. zJournal, October / November
You Can't Force Data Quality. Database Trends and Applications, November 2009.
Just the Facts About Mainframe Specialty Processors. TDAN, November 2009.
Making Static SQL More Dynamic...and Vice Versa. IDUG Solutions Journal, Fall
New Additions to the DBA Bookshelf. Database Trends and Applications, October
An Overview of Mainframe Specialty Processors. Quest Pipelines, October 2009.
The Database Report: 3Q2009. The Data Administration Newsletter, October 2009.
Specialty Processors on the Mainframe. Database Trends & Applications, Sept
DISPLAY Your Way Out of DB2 Problems. zJournal, August / September 2009.
Managing Data Resources During Mergers & Acquisitions.
Database Trends and Applications, August 2009.
An Overview of Mainframe Specialty Processors.
IDUG Solutions Journal, Summer 2009 (August).
Database Security Needs Evolve and Grow. Database Trends & Apps, July 2009.
The Database Report: 2Q2009. The Data Administration Newsletter, July 2009.
Are DBAs Really DBAs Today? zJournal, June / July 2009.
Avoid Black Boxes to Improve Performance. Database Trends & Apps, June 2009.
Advice for Job-Seeking Data Professionals. Database Trends & Applications, May
Thoughts on Data Quality. The Data Administration Newsletter, May 2009.
DB2 System Configuration and Performance. zJournal, April / May 2009.
25 Questions to Evaluate DBA Tool Vendors. Database Trends & Apps, April 2009.
The Database Report: 1Q2009. The Data Administration Newsletter, April 2009.
Utility Improvements in DB2 9 for z/OS. IDUG Solutions Journal, Spring 2009.
The Impact of M+A on Data Management. Data Center Journal, March 2009.
Dynamic SQL On The Rise. Database Trends and Applications, March 2009.
Recovery is a Compliance Issue. zJournal, February / March 2009.
Ten Steps for Mitigating Data Risk During a Merger. CIO Magazine, February 2009.
Database Statistics and Optimization. Database Trends and Applications, Feb
10 Steps for Mitigating Data Risk During a Merger. ComputerWorld, February 24,
Database Fundamentals. IDUG Solutions Journal, Winter 2008/2009.
The Database Report: 4Q2008. The Data Administration Newsletter, January 2009.
DBA Proverbs. zJournal, December / January 2009.
DBA Staffing Considerations. Database Trends and Applications, January 2009.
A Data-Tinged Look Back at 2008. Database Trends and Applications, December
Data, Data, Everywhere. Database Trends and Applications, November 2008.
Things You've Probably Neglected. IDUG Solutions Journal, November 2008.
DB2 Database Maintenance and Recovery: Getting Past the Common
zJournal, October / November 2008.
Reoptimizing SQL. zJournal, October / November 2008.
Safeguarding Financial Data from the Foxes in the Henhouse.
Houston Business Journal, October 10-16, 2008
Change Control for DB2 Access Paths. Database Trends & Applications, October
The Database Report: 3Q2008. The Data Administration Newsletter, October 2008.
What Every Good CIO Needs to Know About Mainframe Database Auditing.
Mainframe Executive, September 2008.
On Becoming a DBA. Database Trends and Applications, September 2008.
DB2 9 Data Format "Stuff". zJournal, August / September 2008.
Database Auditing Capabilities for Compliance and Security. TDAN, August 2008.
The 17 Skills Required of a DBA. Database Trends and Applications, August 2008.
The Database Report: 2Q2008. The Data Administration Newsletter, July 2008.
Consider Data Access Auditing to Classify Database Data.
Database Trends and Applications, July 2008.
The Rise of Dynamic SQL. zJournal, June / July 2008.
The Growing Importance of Metadata. Database Trends and Applications, June
On Recovery Service Levels. IDUG Solutions Journal, Spring 2008.
The Cost of a Data Breach. Database Trends and Applications, May 2008.
Use Real Time Statistics to Automate Your Database Maintenance.
zJournal, April / May 2008.
The Database Report: 1Q2008. The Data Administration Newsletter, April 2008.
Database Data Needs Long-Term (100 Year) Archiving Solution.
Database Trends and Applications, April 2008.
Collecting Histogram Statistics With RUNSTATS. DB2 Update, March 2008.
An Update on Data Professional's Salaries. Database Trends & Applications, Mar
Much Ado About DB2 Locking. zJournal, Feb / March 2008.
Keeping Up With The DBMS. Database Trends and Applications, February 2008.
Compliance Needs Drive Data Access Auditing Requirements.
IDUG Solutions Journal, Winter 2007.
Data Management Made News in 2007. Database Trends & Applications, January
The Database Report: 4Q2007. The Data Administration Newsletter, January 2008.
The Evolution of Database Security. zJournal, Dec 07 / Jan 08.
Utility TEMPLATE Switching in DB2 9 for z/OS. DB2 Update, December 2007.
The Most Important Thing is Recoverability. Database Trends & Apps, December
Data Quality Starts With Proper Data Type. Quest Pipelines, December 2007.
Data Access Auditing: A Compliance Requirement. Database Trends & Apps, Nov
New Data Types in DB2 9 for z/OS. DB2 Update, November 2007.
DB2 Encryption Support Keeps Improving. zJournal, Oct / Nov 2007.
Tracking Data Access for Compliance. Group Practice Journal, October 2007.
Impact of Data Volume on Operational Databases. Database Trends & Apps, Oct
The Database Report: 3Q2007. The Data Administration Newsletter, October 2007.
Electronic Discovery: It's Not Just About e-Mail. FindLaw, September 2007.
Simplified Database Search. Database Trends and Applications, September 2007.
Regulatory Compliance & Database Archiving. IDUG Solutions Journal, Summer
DB2 9 for z/OS Improves LOB Support. zJournal, Aug / Sept 2007.
Database Access Auditing: Who Did What to Which Data When? DM Direct, Aug
Financial Institutions' Sensitive Data Requires Careful Archiving.
Houston Business Journal, August 3 - 9, 2007
Data Quality Starts With Proper Data Types. Database Trends & Apps, Aug 2007.
Database Access Auditing: Who Did What to Which Data When? DW Direct, July
The Database Report: 2Q2007. The Data Administration Newsletter, July 2007.
A Good Book on Physical Database Design. Database Trends & Applications, July
The Next Tipping Point: Regulatory Compliance and Data Management.
zJournal, June / July 2007.
A Forced Tour of Duty. Database Trends and Applications, June 2007.
Managing DB2 Access Paths. DB2 Update, June 2007.
The Impact of e-Discovery on Data Management. Database Trends & Apps, May
If You Ain't 8 You're Late. zJournal, April / May 2007.
DB2 Database Performance Fundamentals. IDUG Solutions Journal, Spring 2007.
Database Archiving for Long-Term Data Retention.
IT Compliance Magazine, Spring 2007.
The Return of the Repository? Database Trends and Applications, April 2007.
The Database Report: 1Q2007. The Data Administration Newsletter, April 2007.
Data Governance is More Than Regulatory Compliance.
Database Trends and Applications, March 2007.
DB2 9 for z/OS: No V for z. zJournal, February / March 2007.
Two Good New Year's Resolutions for a DBA. Database Trends & Apps, Feb 2007.
Efficient SQL Coding Basics. DB2 Update, February 2007.
DB2 z/OS Index Creation Guidelines. Quest Pipelines, February 2007.
Types of DBAs. Database Trends and Applications, January 2007.
Change Control for DB2 Access Paths. Quest Pipelines, January 2007.
The Database Report: 4Q2006. The Data Administration Newsletter, January 2007.
Database Archiving for Long-Term Data Retention. zJournal, December / January
Harness The Full Power of Your Data. Teradata Magazine, December 2006.
The Two Biggest Database Performance "Things".
Database Trends & Applications, Dec 2006.
Why Haven’t You Started Using Real Time Statistics?
IDUG Solutions Journal, Winter 2006.
The Lifecycle of Data. Database Trends and Applications, November 2006.
DB2 9 for z/OS Roars to Life. DB2 Magazine, Quarter 4, 2006 Vol. 11, Issue 4
To Rebind or Not to Rebind: Is That a Question? zJournal, October / November
Database Archiving for Long-Term Data Retention. TDAN, October 2006.
The Database Report: 3Q2006. The Data Administration Newsletter, October 2006.
Change Control for DB2 Access Paths. IDUG Solutions Journal, October 2006.
Databases Must be Archived for Long-Term Data Retention.
Database Trends and Applications, October 2006.
DBA Change Management. Database Trends and Applications, September 2006.
BAR your Enterprise from Data Loss. Teradata Magazine, September 2006.
It's Time for Real Time Stats. zJournal, August / September 2006.
Planning for Future Capacity. Database Trends and Applications, August 2006.
Data Professional's Salaries. Database Trends and Applications, July 2006.
The Database Report: 2Q2006. The Data Administration Newsletter, July 2006.
The Basics of DB2 Buffering. zJournal, June / July 2006.
Gaining Knowledge Through Process Mining. Enterprise Leadership, June 2006.
A Few SQL Tips and Techniques. Quest Pipelines, June 2006.
Do Data Security Breaches Require a Data Professional's Oath?
Database Trends and Applications, June 2006.
Supplying Intelligence. Teradata Magazine, June 2006.
Coming to an Enterprie Near you. dbazine.com, June 2006.
The Last Date of the Century. DB2 Update, May 2006.
Database Standards and Procedures. Database Trends and Applications, May
A Few SQL Tips and Techniques. IDUG Solutions Journal, May 2006.
Regulatory Compliance and Data Governance. zJournal, April / May 2006.
Social Networks: A Whole Different Reality Under the Radar.
Enterprise Leadership, April 2006.
Data Security and Privacy: Concerns of the DBA? Database Trends & Apps, Apr
The Database Report: 1Q2006. The Data Administration Newsletter, April 2006.
On Data and Database Administration. Database Trends and Applications, March
Model-Based Development and Management. zJournal, Feb / March 2006.
A View Review. IDUG Solutions Journal, February 2006.
A Guide to DB2 Locking – (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3). dbazine.com, February
Do The Simple Things First. Quest Pipelines, February 2006.
Database Design and the Internet. Database Trends and Applications, February
Database Storage Management. Database Trends and Applications, January 2006.
Assuring Data Integrity in DB2. (Part 2) dbazine.com, January 2006.
The Database Report: 4Q2005. The Data Administration Newsletter, January 2006.
Top Five DB2 V8 Transition Do’s and Don’ts. zJournal, Dec 2005 / Jan 2006.
What SQL Can Be Used in a Compound SQL Statement?
SearchDataCenter.com, November 2005
Model-Based Development and Management. Database Trends & Apps, Dec 2005.
DBA Staffing Considerations. SearchDataManagement.com, November 2005.
Use DBA Tools for Efficient Data Management. Database Trends & Apps, Nov 2005.
SQL Performance Tuning Basics. zJournal, October / November 2005.
Do the Simple Things First. IDUG Solutions Journal, October 2005.
Database Archiving Solves Many Issues.
Database Trends and Applications, October 2005.
The Database Report: 3Q2005. The Data Administration Newsletter, October 2005.
The Log is the Database. Database Trends and Applications, September 2005.
Evaluating DB2 Tool Vendors. zJournal, August / September 2005.
Assuring Data Integrity in DB2. (Part 1) dbazine.com, August 2005.
The Aging Mainframer. Search390, August 2005.
Recommended Additions to the DBA Bookshelf. Database Trends & Apps, August
The Database Report: 2Q2005. The Data Administration Newsletter, July 2005.
Database Auditing: The DBA Corner. Database Trends and Applications, July 2005.
Twenty-Two Years of DB2. zJournal, June / July 2005.
Sarbanes-Oxley Requires Rigor in Database Administration.
Database Trends and Applications, June 2005.
Some SQL Tricks for the DB2 Developer. DB2 Update, June 2005.
The Tao of DBA. Database Trends and Applications, May 2005.
A Short Introduction to Lock Avoidance in DB2 for z/OS. dbazine.com, May 2005.
The difference between DB2 UDB and DB2 OS/390. TechTarget, May 19, 2005.
Changing Table Space Partitioning Specifications. zJournal, April / May 2005.
On VSAM and DB2. IDUG Solutions Journal, April 2005.
The Database Report: 1Q2005. The Data Administration Newsletter, April 2005.
Plan for Disasters and Test the Plan Regularly. Database Trends & Apps, April
Often Misunderstood, Don't Ignore Nulls. Database Trends & Applications, March
Planning for IDUG. dbazine.com, March 2005.
DB2 Annoyances. zJournal, February/March 2005.
Database Trends. SearchOracle.com, February 2005.
A Database Bookshelf. SearchOracle.com, February 2005.
DBA Certification. SearchOracle.com, February 2005.
How Many DBAs? SearchOracle.com, February 2005.
It's Alive! It's Alive! SearchOracle.com, February 2005.
Self-Managing Database Systems. SearchOracle.com, February 2005.
The Data Explosion. SearchOracle.com, February 2005.
On Becoming a DBA. SearchOracle.com, February 2005.
The Morphing of Database Administration. SearchOracle.com, February 2005.
Intelligent Automation Can Solve the Complexity Problem.
Database Trends & Applications, Feb 2005.
The Database Report: 4Q2004. The Data Administration Newsletter, January 2005.
An Introduction to DB2 Indexing. DBAzine, January 2005.
Performance Tuning Requirements for Database Applications.
Database Trends and Applications, January 2005.
The DB2 Utility Conundrum. zJournal, December 2004/January 2005.
The Buffer Pool: Using Nulls in DB2. IDUG Solutions Journal, December 2004.
What is Knowledge and Can it be Managed? Database Trends & Apps, Dec 2004.
VSAM vs. DB2, TechTarget, December 17, 2004.
High Speed Transaction Recovery. Technical Support, November 2004
Ensuring Data Integrity is a Tricky Business. Database Trends & Apps, Nov 2004.
Facilitating Efficient Database Management. Certification Magazine, November
The Top Ten Features of DB2 for z/OS V8. zJournal, October/November 2004.
Three Trusty Rules for DB2 Triggers. Search390.com, October 2004.
Achieving the Five Nines of Database Availability.
Database Trends and Applications, October 2004.
The Database Report: 3Q2004. The Data Administration Newsletter, October 2004.
A View Review. dbazine.com, October 2004.
Using Dynamic SQL for Maximum Flexibility. DB2 Update, October 2004.
An Irregular Sorting Requirement. dbazine.com, September 2004.
Programmers Use Excuses, Too. Database Trends and Applications, September
What is Large? zJournal, August/September 2004.
The Buffer Pool: The Hitchhiker's Guide to DB2. IDUG Solutions Journal, August
Taming DB2 Performance Issues. Database Trends and Applications, August 2004.
Reviewing the Top DBA Excuses and How to Overcome Them.
Database Trends and Applications, August 2004.
The Database Report: 2Q2004. The Data Administration Newsletter, July 2004.
How Secure Are Your Databases? Database Trends and Applications, July 2004.
IMS is Alive and Kicking. zJournal, June/July 2004.
DB2 Behind the Scenes. dbazine.com, June 2004.
So You Want to Become a DBA? Database Trends and Applications, June 2004.
Using Real Time Statistics (RTS). DB2 Update, June 2004.
DB2 Advice Your Daddy Didn't Give You. search390.com, June 2004.
The Buffer Pool: Recursion in DB2 V8, V8, V8... DUG Solutions Journal, Vol. 11, No.
Why Outsourcing the DBA is Not an Option. Database Trends & Apps, May 2004.
Materialized Query Tables and the Death of Denormalization. zJournal, April/May
Database Change Management & Schema Evolution in DB2 for z/OS Version 8.
dbazine.com, April 2004.
The Engine of Intelligence. Intelligent Enterprise, April 17, 2004.
The Database Report: 1Q2004. The Data Administration Newsletter, April 2004.
Make the Most of Your DBA Reporting Structure. Database Trends & Apps, April
The path to an executable DB2 program, TechTarget, March 5, 2004.
A Look at the Modes of DB2 V8. zJournal, February/March 2003.
Will Vendors Automate the DBA Out of Business? Database Trends & Apps, Mar
An Introduction to DB2 Indexing. dbazine.com, February 2004.
DB2 or VSAM? dbazine.com, February 2004.
Database Applications Require Multiple Design Reviews.
Database Trends and Applications, February 2004.
Sequence Objects and Identity Columns. DB2 Update, February 2004.
The Death of Denormalization? Database Trends and Applications, January 2004.
New Year's Resolutions for a DBA. dbazine.com, January 2004.
The Database Report: 4Q2003. The Data Administration Newsletter, January 2004.
zData Perspectives: Sequence Objects & Identity Columns. zJournal, Dec 03/Jan
DBA Staffing Considerations. TechTarget, 2004
Get Your Business Where it Needs to Go.
DB2 Magazine, OnDemand supplement, Quarter 4, 2003 Vol. 8, Issue 4
Business Eye for the DBA Guy. Database Trends and Applications, December 2003.
Why Data Still Matters. dbazine.com, December 2003.
An Introduction to Database Design: From Logical to Physical. dbazine.com, Nov
The Buffer Pool: Know Your Isolation Levels. IDUG Solutions Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3
Nuggets of Data Rambling Through my Mind. Database Trends & Apps, Nov 2003.
zData Perspectives: DB2 V8 Online Schema Evolution. zJournal, Oct/Nov 2003.
Measuring DBA Effectiveness. dbazine.com, October 2003.
Round-the-Clock Data Availability is Elusive but Expected.
Database Trends and Applications, October 2003.
The Database Report: 3Q2003. The Data Administration Newsletter, October
Q&A: Tips for Making Data Warehouses Manageable. searchdatabase.com, Sep
Required Reading from the DBA's Bookshelf. Database Trends & Apps, Sep 2003.
An Overview of DB2 for z/OS Version 8. dbazine.com, August 2003.
zData Perspectives: DB2 V7 B4 V8. zJournal, August/September 2003.
The Buffer Pool: Choose the Proper Data Type. IDUG Solutions Journal, Vol. 10, No.
How to Curb the Curmudgeon in the Corner. Database Trends & Apps, Aug 2003.
The Database Report: 2Q2003. The Data Administration Newsletter, July 2003.
DBAs Need Different Skills inDevelopment and Production .
Database Trends & Applications, July 2003.
No Black Boxes. DB2 Update, July 2003.
zData Perspectives: DB2 and the Old Dipsy Doo. zJournal, June/July 2003.
Denormalization of DB2 Tables. searchdatabase.com, June 2003.
A DBMS Architecture by Any Other Name Is Still Confusing.
Database Trends and Applications, June 2003.
Large Objects and DB2. dbazine.com, May 2003.
What is a DBA? - Part 6. dbazine.com, May 2003.
Basic DB2 Buffering and Memory Guidelines. searchDataCenter.com, May 2003.
The Buffer Pool: Dynamic Buffer Changes. IDUG Solutions Journal, Vol. 10, No. 1
Follow the DBA Rules of Thumb for an Easier Life. Database Trends & Apps, May
zData Perspectives: DB2—Versions, Service and Such. zJournal, April/May 2003.
DB2 Utilities Through the Looking Glass. dbazine.com, April 2003.
SQL Server Transaction Log Guidelines. dbazine.com, April 2003.
Complexity Complicates Database Upgrades & Migrations.
Database Trends and Applications, April 2003.
What is a DBA? - Part 5. dbazine.com, April 2003.
The Database Report: 1Q2003. The Data Administration Newsletter, April 2003.
DBAs! You Should Fear XML! The Data Administration Newsletter, April 2003.
DB2 Table Space Options, Part 2. Mainframe Week, April 2, 2003.
DB2 Table Space Options, Part 1. Mainframe Week, March 26, 2003.
How to limit number of records in a DB2 SQL cursor. TechTarget, March 2003
Understanding DB2 Messages. dbazine.com, March 2003.
What is a DBA? - Part 4. dbazine.com, March 2003.
Dealing with DBMS Complexity. Database Trends and Applications, March 2003.
zData Perspectives: An Introduction to DB2 for z/OS V8. zJournal, February 2003.
Apps are Temporary, But Data is Forever. Data Discussions, February 2003.
What is a DBA? - Part 3. dbazine.com, February 2003.
DBAs Do Storage Management. Database Trends and Applications, February 2003.
Eight Breakthroughs That Changed DB2 Forever. DB2 Magazine, Quarter 1, 2003.
Tuning DB2 Access Paths. DB2 Developer Domain, January 2003.
An Introduction to DB2 Table Spaces. dbazine.com, January 2003.
What is a DBA? - Part 2. dbazine.com, January 2003.
Charting the Evolution from DBA to e-DBA. Database Trends & Applications, Jan
The Database Report: 4Q2002. The Data Administration Newsletter, January 2003.
A DB2 for z/OS Performance Road Map. DB2 Update, January 2003.
The Automated Future: Take 2. DB2 Magazine Online, December 2002.
The DBA and Application Design. Database Trends and Applications, December
Using Java With DB2, Part 1 & Part 2. Mainframe Week, December 2002.
DB2 Everyplace: A Mobile DB2. DB2 Update, December 2002.
The Buffer Pool: Clarifying Some Common Misconceptions.
IDUG Solutions Journal, Vol. 9, No. 3
DB2 and the Procedural DBA, Part 1 & Part 2. Mainframe Week, November 2002.
Data Modeling Concepts Every DBA Should Know.
Database Trends and Applications, November 2002.
Database Disaster Planning and the eDBA. dbazine.com, November 2002.
What is a DBA? - Part 1. dbazine.com, November 2002.
Optimizing database performance, part 3: Compression, page size, and more.
searchSQLServer.com, 05 November 2002
Optimizing database performance, part 2: Denormalization and clustering.
searchSQLServer.com, 16 October 2002
Optimizing database performance, part 1: Partitioning and indexing.
searchSQLServer.com, 10 October 2002
Coding DB2 SQL for Performance: The Basics. DB2 Developer Domain, October
The Database Report: 3Q2002. The Data Administration Newsletter, October 2002.
Q&As on DB2 Dates. dbazine.com, October 2002.
Optimize Your Database Performance. Database Trends and Applications, Oct
Getting Down to Data Basics. The Data Administration Newsletter, October 2002.
Reorganizing the DB2 Catalog and Directory, Part 1 Part 2 Part 3.
Mainframe Week, October 2002
Why DBAs Must be Jacks-of-all-Trades. InformIT, September 2002.
The Changing Face of the Database.
eServer Magazine (Mainframe Edition), September 2002.
Keeping Your Databases up to P.A.R. Database Trends and Applications, Sept 2002.
DB2 User-Defined Functions. dbazine.com, August 2002.
DBA Certification. Database Trends and Applications, August 2002.
Temporary Tables -- Declared and Created. DB2 Update, August 2002.
Craig Mullins Answers Your Database Administration Questions.
searchdatabase.com, August 2002.
Using TIMESTAMP Columns versus DATE and TIME Columns, Part 1 & Part 2.
Mainframe Week, August 2002.
Managing the Performance of DB2 for OS/390 and z/OS. IT Tool Box, July 2002.
DB2 Data Type Usage Tips. dbazine.com, July 2002.
The Database Report: 2Q2002. The Data Administration Newsletter, July 2002.
Making the Move from Logical Model to Physical Objects.
Database Trends & Apps, July 2002.
DB2 Performance Traces. dbazine.com, June 2002.
DBMS Architecture: The DBA Corner. Database Trends and Applications, June
A DB2 for z/OS Performance Road Map. dbazine.com, May 2002.
How Much Availability is Enough? Database Trends and Applications, May 2002.
Online Database Reorganization. dbazine.com, May 2002.
The 'Top Ten' Problem. DB2 Update, May 2002.
A DB2 for z/OS Performance Road Map.
eServer Magazine (Mainframe Edition), April 2002.
The Database Report: 1Q2002. The Data Administration Newsletter, April 2002.
What is a DBA? Database Trends and Applications, April 2002.
Using Templates and Lists in DB2 Utilities. DB2 Update, April 2002.
A View to a Kill. dbazine.com, March 2002.
Select Database Utilities With Care. Database Trends and Applications, March
Issuing SQL Statements in DB2 Utilities. DB2 Update, March 2002.
Intelligent Automation of DBA Tasks. dbazine.com, February 2002.
Forty Tips in 60 Minutes. dbazine.com, February 2002.
An Introduction to Triggers in DB2 for OS/390. dbazine.com, February 2002.
DRDA. dbazine.com, February 2002.
Measuring DBA Effectiveness. Database Trends and Applications, February 2002.
Architectures for Clustering: Shared Nothing and Shared Disk. DB2 Magazine,
Dealing With Downtime. Database Trends and Applications, January 2002.
The Database Report: 4Q2001. The Data Administration Newsletter, January 2002.
Using Check Constraints to Simulate Domains. DB2 Update, December 2001.
Database Fragmentation and Disorganization. Database Trends & Apps, Dec 2001.
Database Disaster Planning. Database Trends and Applications, November 2001.
Modern Database Administration, Part 3. DM Review, November 2001.
COPYTOCOPY -- A New DB2 Utility for Version 7. DB2 Update, November 2001.
Logic, e-Business, and the Procedural eDBA. dbazine.com, October 2001.
The Database Report: 3Q2001. The Data Administration Newsletter, October 2001.
Dissecting Database Performance. Database Trends and Applications, October
Modern Database Administration, Part 2. DM Review, October 2001.
The Role of the DBA Has Expanded. Database Trends & Applications, September
Modern Database Administration, Part 1. DM Review, September 2001.
An Introduction to DB2 for OS/390, Version 7. dbazine.com, August 2001.
Design and the eDBA. dbazine.com, August 2001.
Control Your DB2 Memory Usage Before It Controls You. BMC TechNews, July 2001.
The Database Report: 2Q2001. The Data Administration Newsletter, July 2001.
Online Resources of the eDBA. dbazine.com, July 2001.
Intelligently Managing DB2 Memory Structures. Database Trends, May 2001.
DB2 Table Space Options. DB2 Update, May 2001.
Why Data Still Matters. Database Trends, April 2001.
The Database Report: 1Q2001. The Data Administration Newsletter, April 2001.
High Speed Transaction Recovery. Storage, Inc., Q1 2001
The eDBA and Recovery. dbazine.com, March 2001.
IT's a Crazy World. Database Trends, March 2001.
Getting Down to Data-Basics. dbazine.com, February 2001.
The 24x365 Availability Challenge. Database Trends, February 2001.
The Database Report: 4Q2000. The Data Administration Newsletter, January 2001.
An Update on Oracle. Database Trends, January 2001.
LOB Columns vs. VARCHAR & VARGRAPHIC. Revealnet Pipeline Newsletter, Dec
New Technologies of the eDBA: XML. dbazine.com, December 2000
Using TIMESTAMP Columns Versus DATE & TIME Columns. DB2 Update, Dec 2000.
Denormalization Guidelines for SQL Server Databases. SQL Server Update, Dec
Updates, Trends, and Thoughts. Database Trends , December 2000.
News From the Front - The Database Wars Escalate. Database Trends , Nov 2000.
Using Java With DB2 for OS/390. DB2 Update, November 2000.
Managing Database Change. Database Trends , October 2000.
Character vs Numeric Data Types. SQL Server Update, October 2000.
Managing for the Future: Advisor Technology. BMC Tech News, September 2000
The eDBA and Java. dbazine.com, September 2000
Pervasive Computing & Pocket Databases. Database Trends , September 2000.
The 'Top Ten' Problem. SQL Server Update, September 2000.
Intelligent Automation Answer to DBA Overload. Database Trends, August 2000.
DB2 Everyplace: You Can Take It With You. DB2 Magazine, Fall 2000.
DB2 User Defined Functions. Revealnet Pipeline Newsletter, July 2000
Reorganizing the DB2 Catalog and Directory. DB2 Update, July 2000.
Open Source Database Management Systems. Database Trends, July 2000.
Transaction Log Basics. SQL Server Update, June 2000.
An Update on the Database Wars. Database Trends, June 2000.
Using DB2 Stored Procedures. devx, May 2000.
The eDBA and Data Availability. dbazine.com, May 2000
High Speed Transaction Recovery. Enterprise Systems Journal, May 2000
High Speed Transaction Recovery (2 parts). Farber LaChance, May 2000.
The DAMA Symposium and Meta Data Conference 2000. Database Trends, May
Creating SQL Results Sets w/Aggregate & Detail Data. SQL Server Update, Apr
A Basic IT Library. Database Trends, April 2000.
DB2 Triggers. Revealnet Pipeline Newsletter, March 2000
Accuracy Versus Speed. Database Trends, March 2000.
Minimizing Outages With Transaction Recovery. Database Trends, February 2000.
DB2 and the Procedural DBA. DB2 Update, February 2000.
Two Interesting Acquisitions. Database Trends, January 2000.
Articles 2000-2010
Links to older articles by Craig S. Mullins