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Mullins Consulting, Inc.

Db2 Presentations

An Hour of DB2 Tips and Techniques

Presentation delivered at IDUG and many user groups The Top Ten Db2 Things You Need to Know: For DBAs and Developers. Presentation delivered at IDUG and many user groups The DB2 Top Ten Lists Presentation delivered at IDUG and many user groups

Multi-Row Fetch: Improving Application Performance by Fetching Multiple Rows

Presentation for Softbase webinar

Tuning DB2 to Reduce Your Rolling 4 Hour Average Costs

Presentation for Softbase webinar

A DB2 Performance Tuning Roadmap

Presentation delivered at SHARE, IDUG, and many user groups

The Five R’s: There can be no DB2 Performance Improvement without Them! Mini webinar for NEON Enterprise Software 44 Tips in 66 Minutes Presentation delivered at IDUG and many user groups Quality Assurance for Dynamic SQL Presentation for InSoft delivered at IDUG EMEA DB2 and Storage Management Webinar for SoftwareOnZ The Tao of DB2 Presentation delivered at IDUG NA Null and Void? Dealing with Nulls in DB2 Presentation delivered at IDUG, as a webinar, and at many user groups DB2 Access Paths: Surviving and Thriving Education series webinar for SoftwareOnZ Getting to DB2 10 for z/OS: Migration Considerations Presentation delivered as a webinar and at many user groups DB2 and Database Trends circa 2015 Presentation for Data Kinetics webinar and delivered at several user groups Change Control for DB2 Access Paths Presentation for NEON Enterprise Software DB2 9 for Developers Only! Presentation for webinar and various user groups

DBA Presentations

The Management Discipline of Database Administration: DBA Best Practices Presentation deliverd at IDUG and as a webinar for Dell DBA 101: Dastabase Administration Practices and Procedures Presentation delivered to BMC Software and many user groups

Data, Big Data and Analytics Presentations

A Big Data Roadmap for the DB2 Professional Presentation delivered as a webinar and at IDUG Data Integrity in Operational Database Management Systems Presentation delivered at Data Summit

Governance, Compliance & Security Presentations

Security, Compliance, and Data Privacy: GDPR and More! Presentation delviered for IBM as a Gold Consultant webinar Real World Data Governance Best Practice Criteria Presentation delivered with Bob Seiner for Dataversity Database Auditing Essentials: Tracking Who Did What to Which Data When Presentation delivered as IDERA GeekSync webinar Database Archiving - Managing Data for Long Retention Periods Presentation delivered at IDUG and many user groups The Impact of Regularoty Compliance on Database Administration Presentation delivered at IDUG and many user groups Data Breach Protection from a DB2 Perspective Presentation delivered at IDUG and many user groups Data Integrity and Compliance Amid Tumult Presentation delivered at a series of CA road show

Mainframe Presentations

The Why and How of Mainframe Modernization Presentation for Adaptigent (GT Software) webinar The Mainframe DevOps Conundrum: Speed vs. Quality Presentation for InfoTel webinar


by Craig S. Mullins
Craig’s DBA Book DBA Best Practices 2ed
Craig’s Db2 Books Db2 Dev Guide Db2 App Perf
Sample Webinars Craig’s recorded webinars